The FCCJ aims to examine specific issues affecting the commercialization and diffusion of fuel cells, incorporate the findings into policy recommendations and reflect them in government measures together with member companies to resolve the issues by own motion. Through this, FCCJ is able to make an important contribution to the commercialization and diffusion of fuel cells in Japan as well as the growth of Japan's fuel cell industry.
Date of foundation
March 19, 2001
The FCCJ membership is classified into three categories; regular members, associate members and advisory members.
- Only Japanese corporations are eligible as regular members and they are subdivided into board members and general members.
- Board members serve as executives of FCCJ and engage in all the activities including steering committee and working groups etc.
- General members are regular members other than board members and take part in the activities carried out by working groups and sub-working groups.
- Corporations, organizations, affiliates and individuals are eligible as associate members and they have access to the various findings and related information provided by FCCJ.
- Individuals, organizations and affiliates including academic experts etc. approved by the Board of Directors are eligible as advisory members.
Main activities
Making policy recommendations to the Japanese Government
Make recommendations and budget requests by studying challenges and issues concerning technical development, verification tests in view of the commercialization and diffusion of fuel cells, reformation of regulations and establishment of international standards, and drawing the scenarios for the commercialization and diffusion of fuel cells.
Conducting investigations and studies
Engage in the study of issues and challenges for the commercialization and diffusion of fuel cells. For this purpose, investigate the most current status of the research and development, demonstration activities and diffusion in residential fuel cells, fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen supply infrastructures.
Providing specific information for members and offering the public education about fuel cells and hydrogen infrastructures
Provide the members with the information concerning FCCJ's activities, government policies and trends of associated organizations and affiliates, and facilitate net-working and interaction among members through the general meeting, symposium, seminar and technical visit. Also, promote the campaigns for providing instructive information for stakeholders interested in fuel cells, policymakers, administrative officers and general citizens outside of FCCJ.
Cooperating and exchanging information with affiliated organizations
Widely share information with domestic and overseas affiliates involved in fuel cells and share the responsibilities with them to aim at common goals.
Past achievements
- Examination of issues concerning technical developments and proposition of the technical development roadmap (2002 onwards)
- Clarification of technical challenges and specific targets for the commercialization and diffusion of fuel cells
- Extraction of technical development issues to be tackled for achievement of the targets
- Clarification of development process towards the popularization phase and setting up milestones
- Clarification of procedure for development and load sharing among government, academia and private sector
- Proposition of requests concerning the governmental policy of technical development
- Revision of roadmap by reviewing the progress of technical development → Integrate the NEDO technical development roadmap
- Encouragement of common understanding of technical challenges concerning the fundamental technology for fuel cells between researchers
- Proposition of priority research and development activities and the implementation structures (2004 onwards)
- Examination of issues for the products development and commercialization
- Confirmation of importance concerning research and development in fundamental technologies based on the basic science
- Proposition of nationwide cooperative and collaborate scheme for the development of fundamental technologies by encouraging the industry-government-academia collaboration and promote the inter-firm cooperation → Set up the NEDO industry-academia collaboration project etc.
- Proposition of project for encouraging the inter-firm cooperation in view of accelerating the commercialization of fuel cells
- Proposition of regulatory reform on fuel cells and hydrogen infrastructures (2003 onwards)
- Proposition of necessity for reviewing the current regulations and extract terms to be reformed for commercialization of fuel cells and hydrogen infrastructures → The 6 laws and 28 items (2003 to 2004)
- Identification and proposition of additional issues for regulatory reform (2007 onwards)
- Setup of practical schedule on 16 items to be reformed for the commercial launch of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and hydrogen infrastructures incorporation with the government (2010)
- Proposition of demonstration tests
- Proposition of projects for verifying and evaluating the technologies and practicalities of FCVs, hydrogen stations and stationary fuel cells
- FCVs and hydrogen stations
JHFC: Japan Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Demonstration Project (2002 to 2005)
JHFC2 (2006 to 2010)
JHFC3 (2011 to 2015) - Stationary fuel cells Verification study of stationary fuel cells (2002 to 2004)
Large-scale demonstration tests of residential fuel cells (2005 to 2008)
Verification study of SOFCs (2007 to 2010)
- FCVs and hydrogen stations
- Proposition of projects for verifying and evaluating the technologies and practicalities of FCVs, hydrogen stations and stationary fuel cells
- Examination of strategy and proposition of the measures for supporting the commercialization of stationary fuel cells
- Proposition of measures and schemes for supporting the commercialization of residential fuel cells → The governmental subsidies for supporting the installation of residential fuel cells (2009 onwards)
- Examination of scenario for the commercialization and diffusion based on the popularization phase beyond 2016
- Proposition of scenario for the commercialization of FCVs and hydrogen infrastructures
- Drawing of scenario image for the launch of the commercialization in 2015 (2008)
- Declaration of scenario towards the popularization in 2025 (2010)